Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Etiquette Series

I'm starting a new series about etiquette.  I feel that I need to review my Emily Post book.  I'm afraid my manners have slipped a bit, as life becomes more and more crazy.  My dining table gets full of mail, school work, coupons etc.  Then we end up eating dinner on the sofa, with plates in our laps and watching tv.  I'm not setting a good example for my young daughter!  So I will dust off my old books on manners and share a little snippet with you all, every now and then.Untitled #44
"The real test of perfect table manners is never to offend the sensibilities of others." - Emily Post, Etiquette

This next quote from Manners by Kate Spade is especially applicable to me. 

"The dining table is intended for china, glassware, utensils, and linens.  Key chains, lipstick, the mail, and children's toys are best placed elsewhere at mealtime."

Drinking Beverages At The Table - In drinking any beverage at table, a sip is never taken until the mouth is empty and has been wiped with the napkin.  This keeps cup and glass rims free from food marks.
- Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Book of Etiquette

Dining Dos and Dont's...
* Do try a little of everything served to you unless you know you are allergic to it.
*Don't overload your plate.
-  from "The Little Book of Etiquette" by Dorothea Johnson

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